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Senator John Edwards

Myrtle Beach High School - Myrtle Beach

January 14, 2008


There go the Republicans, and here come the Democrats. Senator Edwards held an evening rally in the lunchroom at Myrtle Beach High School on the 14th, before an audience of about 100 supporters and media members. My son Aron accompanied me again, and we saw a typical, passionate John Edwards speech about the economy, jobs, and health care. After the speech, he went into the crowd for autographs and photos, and I managed to get my usual autograph and handshake.


It's too bad that he was so totally over-matched by Clinton and Obama - I really like this guy!

Senator Edwards enters the hall, greeted by a very enthusiastic audience.

Senator Edwards addresses his supporters.

Views of the audience and the media stand.

Senator Edwards greets his supporters after the rally.

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