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Governor Mike Huckabee

General Aviation Terminal - Myrtle Beach

January 17, 2008


On a rainy Thursday afternoon, Governor Huckabee returned to the Myrtle Beach area, and was the last Republican to visit us before the South Carolina Republican primary election. On very short notice, the event was moved from the large hanger where we saw Governor Romney, to a much smaller hanger at the edge of the general aviation complex.


This rally was a true "media event" that included Governor Huckabee, actor Chuck Norris, former wrestling star Ric Flair, all of their wives, the Lt. Governor of South Carolina, many local politicians, and a large number of local and national media members. Collectively, they almost outnumbered the Governor's supporters. There were about 100 brave, wet souls in attendance, including me and Deanna.

Chuck Norris arrives, then Chuck and his wife address the crowd.

Former wrestling champion Ric Flair is introduced by one of the Governor's local campaign leaders. The funniest story that came out of this visit involved a gentleman named Randal Wallace, a lifetime Ric Flair fan who first met the wrestling star at age 6. He brought several old wrestling magazines and other wrestling memorabilia to the event, and had all of the items signed by Ric Flair. Did I tell you that Randal Wallace is a Myrtle Beach City Councilman, and was that he was also the local campaign manager for Rudy Guiliani?

Governor Huckabee and his wife, Janet.

More views, as Governor Huckabee addresses the audience, including a picture of the audience and the media stand.

In the three pictures above, Governor Huckabee joins the crowd after his speech, answers questions from a local reporter, then stops for a photo with Deanna.

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